⇝ BE2N ⇜

dual specular Benjolin

be2n jolin eurorack dual specular benjolin


  • Dual specular and cross-modulated Benjolin circuits with extra mods.

  • Uneasy design - not user friendly.

  • External clock - XOR - gates - rungler I/O.

  • Dedicated vactrol VCA on the two main filtered outs.

  • Switchable filter input.

  • Reverse power protection.

Technical Specs

  • width 22HP

  • depth 25mm

  • 280mA +12V

  • 160mA -12V

BE2N is a 22hp eurorack module with two specular Benjolins at its core.

Clicking on the DIY button you’ll find all the files and info needed to build one yourself including the gerbers for the PCB and the front panel.

Explore it and get to know its unpredictable sonic capabilities.

This project is intended as a tribute re-design strictly for no-commercial use - build one for yourself.

Thanks to Rob Hordijk for making it happen.

